Showing 61–70 of 136 results

Letter Writing


To help with your letter writing so that you can correctly and easily say what you want in the proper format.18 pages, paperback or download, Applied Scholastics International

MacMillan Dictionary for Children


Authoritative, accurate, and current, the Macmillan Dictionary for Children is the ideal resource for beginning readers and spellers. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers; Revised ed. edition  848 pgs.

Making Research a Daily Adventure


A parent-teacher guide that gives a common-sense approach to helping children do well both at home and at school.  It is the answer to good family relationships and successful education; it gives the precise way to bring about a “dream-come-true” childhood.

Map Skills – Level 6


48 pages of up-to-date maps and map analysis activities make Map Skills for Today the most fun and engaging way to build critical geography skills and introduce students to the world. Work book only

Math 54 text


Uses Saxon’s highly successful “incremental” approach to teaching math. Textbook price without study guide

Math 65 Answers


Uses Saxon’s highly successful “incremental” approach to teaching math. This is the complete answer book. Saxon Math 65 Second Edition.Answer book without text or study guide.

Math 65 Set


Saxon Math 65 2nd ed uses Saxon’s highly successful “incremental” approach for teaching math.  Each new word or concept is fully defined when introduced.  Skill level is gradually raised by practice until the full subject is mastered.

Math 65 Text


Uses Saxon’s highly successful “incremental” approach to teaching math. Textbook price without study guide, 578 pgs, hardback