Add to cart Baking $12.95 Fun hands on course. Learn to follow a simple recipe, set the oven, how to measure, mix and bake.
Add to cart Basics of Sewing $14.95 Learn the parts of a sewing machine, how to operate and thread the machine, putting in a seam, and machine and pin basting.
Add to cart Childhood and Children $32.95 A collection of essays introducing the most important principles an educator should know for success with children.
Add to cart Communicating in Life – Effective Tools for Working with Others $39.95 Learn the fundamentals of successful communication in life.
Add to cart Communicating is Fun $40.00 This course helps children feel confident in life. The world is open to a child who knows how to communicate well. Applied Scholastics International, paperback
Add to cart First Aid and Emergencies $19.95 Learn to handle simple wounds, bites and stings, burns, foreign matter in eye, sprains, and heat and cold emergencies.
Select options In the Driver’s Seat $11.90 – $29.50 A read and do driver training book. 178 pages, paperack or download, Word Corner Publishing
Add to cart Let’s Macrame $14.95 Learn basic macramé skills such as using knots to make pleasing designs, and items such as beads, buttons, pine cones and feathers.
Add to cart Print Art $11.95 Learn basic macramé skills such as using knots to make pleasing designs, and items such as beads, buttons, pine cones and feathers.